Friday, 11 October 2013

Film Practice

Practice Filming

This is our first practice of filming. We have 180 degree rule, match on action and shot reverse shot in it. It was really difficult to not laugh when filming so we had to do each shot about 3 times. We had a lot of fun as we could experiment with characters and different camera shots. I am really happy with the final product.

Next time I would add dialogue to make it a bit easier to follow the storyline and to add a bit more interest to it. I've learnt that it is quite difficult to get all the right camera angles in but it is also a lot of fun acting and playing around with a story. Emily was the camera person and she had a very controlled way of filming so that worked really well and made it look very professional. I have also learnt that it takes a lot of takes to get the perfect filming section done as it took us at least 3 attempts at each because we kept laughing so I would work really hard on keeping professional.

I would add a more obvious match-on-action because it wasn't obvious we had one.


  1. From a technical point of view, your short film is well done, and the camera is used very effectively. For example the panning movement in the first shot is very controlled and well executed. However one thing I did notice is that there is no use of the Match-on-action shot. In terms of the plot and genre it is very clear that your short film is of the horror genre, and that the plot follows a girl as she tries to escape a ghost/zombie style of antagonist. The soundtrack however is well used, and I quite liked the use of the slow strings in order to build up tension, and the high pitched stings that are used to emphasise the shock of the antagonist.

  2. This film was very enjoyable, firstly the shot types and camera movement were very inventive especially the first shot of Maddie running away down the hallway and then we see Aisling waiting for her, and the camera pans round back to Maddie and the back to Aisling who disappears. Also the uses of shaky cam later on in the film made it seem more realistic. The genre was made clear by the soundtrack which was very chilling, and also the fact that there was no dialougue made it seem more unnerving. The acting was also very convincing, Maddie looked very scared and Aisling looked very creepy...
    Harry Paul
